Friday, December 19, 2014

Street Fighter Friday Results!

For Math 12
Team ?? dominated the field with Sara earning 6 match wins, Colter earning 2 and Eric earning 1.  They earn 3 points.
Team ? came up second with Emile carrying the team with 5 wins and earning 2 points.
The Fantastic Four picked up 1 point with Lachlan earning 2 wins.

Well played everyone!  Scores in Block 4 Math 12 are now

  • Team Asia - 4
  • The Fantastic Four - 6
  • Team ? - 6
  • Team ?? - 4
Teams are a lot closer now so it's still anyone's game!  4 weeks to go after the break, make them count!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Arocena Cup Update

Big update for the Arocena Cup.
I've been a little slack in updating the scores and to be honest I've kind of suspended the competition in two of my classes.  One class mostly because the entire class seems a little lax in motivation for all things and the other class because I spend way too much time trying to keep you guys on task.
For the other two classes here are the updated scores.

For Pre-Calculus 12 in Block D

Team Asia
Samira earns 1 point for highest score on first test (actually several people earned the same but Samira had the most amusing answer for the last question)
Carrie earns 1 point for the highest score on the second test (there were several people who got the same mark but Carrie had the most amusing answer for the last question)

The Fantastic Four
Caleb earns 1 point for the highest score on the third test (he tied with other people but had the most amusing story on the last question)
The whole team earns 1 point for the highest average after term 1.

Team ?
Emile earns 1 point for the highest score on the fourth test tied with Sahej but Emile answered the last question.
Sahej earns 1 point for the highest score on the sixth test as he was the only one who aced it and did it on the day it was supposed to be written.

Team ??
Colter earns 1 point for the highest score on the fifth test as he was the only one who aced it and did it on the day it was supposed to be written.

So few people wrote the seventh test on the day it was supposed to be written that no team earned the point for that day.

So The Fantastic four are in the lead with 5 points, there is a 2-way tie for second place with 4 points, and Team ?? is on the board with 1 point.  This last week of school before break will see more opportunities for points (the Street Fighter tournament on Friday as well as the movie assignment on Thursday will be a great opportunity to earn points for your team so be prepared!)

For Foundations and Pre-Calculus Math 10 in Block A

Megan earns the point for Chapter 1
Isabella earns the point for Chapter 2
Jane L. earns the point for Chapter 3
Matthew earns the point for Chapter 4
Zech earns the point for Chapter 5

Mya earns 1 point for winning the first Street Fighter Friday.
Max earns 1 point for winning the second Street Fighter Friday.
Dawson earns 1 point for being the first in the class to beat me in a Street Fighter Friday match.

I forget which team everyone is on but I will add up the scores once I'm back in school and have the team lists.  Also our final Street Fighter Friday before the break will let each team earn more points so be prepared!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Math 9

Chapter 5 test is tomorrow and the following is the list of assignments needed to write the test.

5.1 p.214
#4-7, 9-12, 16

5.2 p.222
#11-15 (do half of each)

5.3 p.228
#8-9 (pick 4 in each)
#10, 17 (pick 2 in each)

5.4 p.234-235
#5-8 (pick 3 in each)
#13, 15 (pick 2 in each)

5.5 p.246-248
#7a, 8a (pick 2 in each)
#9, 12, 14, 18 (pick 1 in 9 and 18)
#11, 13, 15, 16 (pick 3 in each)
#22, 23 (pick 1 in each)

5.6 p.255-257
#9a, 10a (pick 2 in each)
#11, 12, 16 (pick 3 in each)
#14, 24

BONUS: Ch. 5 Review p.259  (+30)
#12, 15. 19, 22, 23, 26-29
(for questions with multiple equations pick 1)