Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Science 9

Assignments for Chapter 2 are below

Reading Check p.47
Reading Check p.57
Reading Check p.67
2.1 Worksheets  (30)
2.2 Worksheets  (30)
2.3 Worksheets (30)
BONUS: (+30)
Ch2 Review p.72-73 #1-28

The Chapter 2 test will be on Friday so if you want to get a head start on the bonus go for it!
We will have a lab during Wednesday's block we will review Chapter 2 on Thursday.

Remember to get your foldables up to date with what we have read so far as you can use those on your test on Friday.

Also congratulations to Team Psychic in sweeping the top 3 in yesterdays Kahoot review.  Psychic now leads 5-1 against Team Fighting.

More quizzes this week so Team Fighting you guys better be studying!

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