Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chemistry 11 Assignment

Today's assignment:
- Complete Review & Practice page 55 #1-7
- For question 4 read pages 52-53
- For question 5, if you can't find the answer we'll discuss it in class
- For the polyatomic ions (questions 6-7), use the table found on page 49


  1. I do not understand how to do question #4? A-F on page 55

  2. Ok, so basically you need to find the charge on the metal ion.

    Take 4a SnO. There is Tin (Sn) and Oxygen (O). O we know has a charge of -2. How many Tin ions are present? That should give you a clue on the charge of the Tin. Then you write the name as Tin () Oxide. Just write the charge in Roman numerals.

    I totally forgot to show you guys how to deal with multi-charge metals (>_<), but you should have seen it in Science 9/10 regardless.

    Check pages 52-53 for more information on how to do #4.

  3. alrighti! thnx Mr Arocena!

  4. i couldnt find where you posted this assignment in your blog... so ill just ask it 93 number 10. convert all numbers in item 10 to scientific notation.
    wheres item 10? lol

  5. Item 10 should be question 9. The book made a mistake. >_<
